About us?
We are Milagros de Amor, a Civil Society Organization (CSO) established in 2010 under the regulations of Mexican law, Grantor Authorized by the SHCP with Assistance and Social Development objectives that contribute to the quality of life and well-being of vulnerable groups. Considering childhood as a formative stage and educational, cultural and social development, we implement programs aligned with the General Law on the rights of girls, boys and adolescents (SIPPINA), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN) and the objectives development program (SDG) aimed at children in vulnerability and disability.
Contribute to the integral development of girls, boys and adolescents in situations of vulnerability and / or disability, from a gender, human rights and inclusive culture perspective. Through recreational, educational and cultural activities that promote learning and socio-emotional skills for the construction of cognitive and socialization processes.
To be an International Network of CSOs dedicated to children with solid social development programs, combining efforts with the Public and Private Initiative to contribute to the integral development of girls, boys and adolescents from a gender, human rights and inclusive culture perspective.
I respect
social justice
Miracles of love

"Every little effort is valuable, since it encourages philanthropy in hearts" Milagros Rueda
Founding President
10 years with you

Alejandro Rodríguez Mireles
Es un honor apoyar y compartir experiencia con la Fundación para el logro de sus objetivos.
Elisa Sacal Penhos
Soy parte de Milagros de Amor desde sus inicios, reconozco su gran labor altruista y continuaré apoyando las actividades como benefactora y voluntaria muchos años más.
Juan Pablo Marín
Desde que conocí el proyecto de la Fundación Milagros de Amor, confié e impulse su causa, la niñez mexicana en vulnerabilidad .
Arath de la Torre
Actor y presentador mexicano
Isadora González
Actriz mexicana

Mauricio Islas
Actor Internacional